Friday, May 29, 2009


Here is our Jack-in-the-Pulpit, was excited that it made a Jack this year, I've had it for 3 years and this is the first time it's done this.
Flower bed around the LP tank, with all the bird feeders.

Our new windows and down spouts from the seamless leaf covered gutters.

Here is a picture of our fern peony, first time it has bloomed.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Vacation Countdown

We are counting down the days till vacation to Alaska. Dad is making a carrier for the back of the pickup to haul extra things. After Memorial week-end I will be making lists for what needs to be packed in the camper. Lots to do before we leave. Here is a picture of the carrier that Dad is making. Will keep you up to date with preparations.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day and Travel Plans

We felt blessed to have seen all the kids and most of the Grandkids this Mothers Day Weekend.

Activities included 4 Wheeling; Golf; Climbing on the rock; Playing in the card board box (house); Card games; Swinging; Seting on the deck; Playing basketball, and of course EATING!

Thanks kids you made Mothers Day very Special.

Today was the first we started thinking of all the preperations, to add to a list.

It doesen't seem possible we are both retired and planning the Ak. Vacation.
Mom was busy in the flower garden and I repaired tile lines and seeded this afternoon.

This is a practice Post. Keep tuned for more on the Travel Plans