Friday, March 29, 2013


   It's finally starting to look like spring around here, there is still a little snow in the piles, but the flat area's are disappearing, yah,yah!!!!!!

Everyone is soooooooooooo ready for spring around here!!!!

Want to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER, ENJOY THE SPECIAL DAY!!!

We are having dinner here for around 18 people, looking forward to seeing everyone.


Monday, March 18, 2013

I was told I haven't blogged for a while.  Which is true!!!!!
I don't know where the time has gone, but here it is almost spring,(although I looks like winter right now.)
I am sure ready for spring!!!!!!!
We just got back from a trip to Virginia, visiting Jay's cousin.  Jay's brother and wife went with us. We had a good time.  It did rain everyday we traveled out, the rain just kept following us.
But the time we were out there it was really nice, in the 60's and 70's. We stayed with the cousins for a couple days, then headed out south to N. Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas and then back to Iowa.
The trees were just starting to bud, there were some flowers out, and the birds were great to watch.
But on Sunday, the weather caught up with us again, and it rained, and rained. So we decided to head home, only to come upon SNOW, doesn't the season know it's going to be spring in two days!!!!!
We had a great trip, but also nice to get home.
Will try to keep up better with the blogging.  Everyone say a prayer for spring to come!!!!!!!