Thursday, August 1, 2013

The week of July 20-26th of July, our whole family went to Okoboji Lake for a week of family time and fun. It was such a wonderful time with everyone there. When you get 22 people together for a week, one never knows. But it was wonderful. Everyone had a great time. There was so much laughing and teasing. What fun!!
Jay and I even went tubing, can you believe that!!!!!!! Jay wore his socks so his feet wouldn't get sun burned, and I kept yelling, going too fast!!!!! Every boat that went by us, gave us the thumbs up, we were the oldest ones out tubing that afternoon. Our oldest grandchildren thought it was cool, they even taped it. They kept saying, I can't believe it.
We had our family picture taken, Thank you Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!  along with each family and grandchildren and our kids. It was so fun.  Thank you all for your cooperation and patience.
It was a wonderful week for Jay and I to have memories of for many years.
Thank you kids, grandchildren, love you all. You made our week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!