Monday, September 30, 2013

Day Six

 Today we made a day trip going to Quoddy Head Light House in Lubec, Maine. It is the Easternmost
Light house in the U.S.
This is the Head Harbour Light House in New Brunswick, Canada.  We crossed the border and did some sight seeing there.  Ate our lunch at a quaint little restaurant there also. Had a good day, the temps were in the 50's and 60's. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

We made it to our apartment,(cottage) at 4:20pm on Sat. was pretty tired, but really liked out place to stay. We unpacked and then went looking for a place to eat. We ate at a restaurant called The Fisherman's Inn.  Dad had his lobster meal, I had scallopes.  Both meals were really good. This picture is taken Sunday morning when we were ready to leave for the day.

 This is a view from in Acadia National Park. We saw some very beautiful scenery. We ate lunch
at Jordan's Pond, a place right in Acadia National Park.
 This is a picture of Schoodic Point in Acadia National Park. We saw it at low tide and then went back to see it at high tide, this is high tide.
We waited at Schoodic Point for the sun to set, it was beautiful. Sure slipped down fast, before 6:10 pm. It was getting pretty chilly waiting for the sun to set. Had a great day, we have many more pictures. The trees are really showing color. It was 68' today, beautiful day, a lot of people out and about. Can't believe how crowded it would be if it was summer season. They are saying it is really quiet now.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Day Three

This morning we started out on I-86 from Jamestown, New York in fog!!! It was pretty foggy
for several hours. Then the sun came out and we were see more color in the trees. This is a picture along I-86. We made it to Montpelier, Vermont.  We are staying in a Comfort Inn and Suites, when we got to the Motel, they didn't have any rooms left except the VIP Suite, they said if we wanted it, they would take off quite a bit, which they did, so why not! Quite the experience staying in something like this, it has a Jacuzzi, huge sitting room, huge kitchenette, bar, conference table and quite the bath,. We will probably never see something like this again. Tomorrow we will get to our apartment in Winter Harbor. The scenery is breathe taking, we have been traveling the off roads, not the Toll Roads.  Hope everyone is doing good.  Love to all.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Second Day

Well, we made it to Jamestown, New York this evening. We are staying at a Comfort Inn tonight.
We made pretty good time taking roads that weren't Toll Roads.  Saw some beautiful sights on the northern borders of the states. We hope to make it to Vermont tomorrow night. Saw the trees changing before our eyes, in Indiana, they weren't hardly turning color, as we got into Pennsylvania and New York, they were starting to turn color, really pretty scenery.
We are having a good time and things are going good.

First Day

        Good Morning, here is our Motel Room we stayed in last night, Wed. Sept. 25th.
We were so tired last night that we didn't get any blogging done. We are here in South Bend, Indiana.
Made it around Chicago, lots of Toll Roads, going to find a different route today, no Toll Roads hopefully. Lots of traffic, but got along good. This is a Quality Inn Motel, nice place, comfortable beds.  We will eat Breakfast here this morning before we leave.

When we left home, we headed to Dad's classmate, Bruce Vosseller's place in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.
We arrived there around 11 am.  Had a nice visit with them, we toured their home, then we went on a boat ride around their little lake that they live on. Very beautiful place and area. We went to lunch with them, then we headed out on our travel's East.