Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Winter, would you please leave!!!!!!

I think this is the worst winter yet, we have had so much snow, cold,cold weather, so much wind, and now the drain has frozen. Our basement drain from the washer froze. Lucky, Jay is quite inventive, he has a barrel rigged up to take our washer water and drain it out the window and into the grove. We can only hope the septic tank doesn't freeze, our water is recording at 38-39'. So cold it hurts my teeth. Today it was 19' and you would think it was 35', it felt so good for a change. The only thing about it warming up is now the frost will go deeper, and freeze more things.
I pray every day that winter will leave, please dear Lord, hear our pray.
This week-end is the start of daylight savings time, at least we will have more day light.