Tuesday, April 30, 2013

  Well, it finally seems like spring, the weather has been pretty nice the last couple days, actually we had a great week-end. We got our potatoes planted along with broccoli, onions, radishes, spinach,and kolorabi.  We got mulch and mulched around the garden boxes , raspberries, strawberries and apple trees. So nice to be able to work outside. Really tires a person, but sleep comes great.
I got the flower gardens all cleaned out today and now we hear on the weather that it is only suppose to be in the 40's tomorrow. With a chance of snow on Thursday. I can't believe how strange this spring has been. The farmers were just getting started on planting, I am sure they will go until it starts raining or snowing again.
The grass sure has turned green and grown. Here tomorrow it is May 1st. where has the time gone.
Keep thinking spring.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

    Here it is almost the end of April, and what is this with the weather!!!!!!!
   We only had 32' this morning, was 59 yesterday.
   We are so waiting to get outside and do some yard work, probably will say differently when the time does come, but come on Spring,  where are you??????
Don't have much to report right now, just waiting impatiently for spring.  We are working at the church food stand sale today, maybe that will help keep us busy.
It's not that we aren't busy, just want to do other things.
    Come on MOTHER NATURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BRING US SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!