Tuesday, April 23, 2013

    Here it is almost the end of April, and what is this with the weather!!!!!!!
   We only had 32' this morning, was 59 yesterday.
   We are so waiting to get outside and do some yard work, probably will say differently when the time does come, but come on Spring,  where are you??????
Don't have much to report right now, just waiting impatiently for spring.  We are working at the church food stand sale today, maybe that will help keep us busy.
It's not that we aren't busy, just want to do other things.
    Come on MOTHER NATURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BRING US SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having an Alaskan spring ...winter, three days of spring like weather, then summer! We now have well over twelve hours of daylight every day which reminds us summer will come eventually.

    Thank goodness for heated campers. We went to Knik last weekend and camped. Steve went four-wheeling with a group and I stayed at camp and read books. Lots of new snow and very pretty.

    We'll stick around here this weekend. Our local hockey team made the playoffs and we hate to miss any games. Next weekend we're heading to North Pole for grandson's first birthday.

    That's all for now. Cousin Kathy
