Friday, May 31, 2013

Well, one would never know we had drought last summer, when we had less than an inch of rain from the 8th of April till late in August.
This year we have had from the 1st of April till today, 13.4 inches of rain. And more predicted, who can guess.
My strawberries are doing great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Actually everything in the garden boxes are doing good, if I didn't have them, my garden would have been flooded. We had our first broccoli last night, oh so good.  Now if it would just keep the sunshine out for several days, we could get the corn and potatoes cleaned out in the garden at Bryan's. Pretty muddy there.
Pray for sunshine.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day to Everyone!!!!
We usually go camping over Memorial Day week-end, and this year was no different.  We camped in Decorah over the week-end, camping Paula and Rob and Jaydin, and Bryan and Austin.
Debbie & Paul and Amanda, Teagan, Jesup, Christian and Matilda. It rained and rained and rained!!!!
Thank goodness we had a hard covered camper, Bryan and Austin camped in their tent for 2 nights, Paula's stayed with us in the camper for two nights, then they had to go home, so when Bryan's tent dryed out on Sunday, he put it away and they stayed with us on Sunday night.  We were glad the kids could camp with us, had a good time anyway. Just wish is hadn't been so cold and wet.
It rained the whole way home and we had 1 1/2 inches of rain in the rain gauge when we got home. We had had sooooooooooo much rain lately.  Last year we couldn't get much of a drop, this year it doesn't want to shut off.!!!
Hope everyone had a peaceful week-end.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I know they say, just wait a day in Iowa, and the weather will turn different.  They are RIGHT!!!!!!!
Last Sunday, May 12, it was 30' out with a little frost when we went to church..  Monday it was very windy, and started to warm up, in the 60's and 70's.  Tuesday we took off for Decorah, our favorite place to camp, and by 2 pm in the afternoon it was 97' and very hot!!!!! How can that be, frost one day and two days later record high temps.  Wed. came in with 70's, just beautiful, so we had some great weather for camping. Suppose to stay in the 70' for a while, can handle that.
Happy Mother's Day out there to all the great Mother's I know.
Our garden is doing great, we are planting sweet corn today. Lots of things are up already, and eating asparagus too.  Sooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

  This is just crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It started snowing yesterday, yes, May 2, and snowed all day, all night and is still snowing this morning. It melts a little , but we still have 4-5 inches on the ground. it hovers around 30-33 degrees. You would think it was December out side instead of May.
And we are lucky, some places got 10-12 inches of snow.  Only in IOWA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next week it is suppose to be in the 60's and 70's.  I can hardly wait......
Please Mother Nature, be nice to us.  It's been a lonnnnnnnnng winter.