Thursday, September 18, 2014

Well, I didn't get anything posted on Wed. but we did go to Lake Kego, got some crappies, sunfish, blue gills and a bass.
Jay got to clean fish again. He's getting faster at it.
Today we just fished at Little Boy Lake, went looking for northern, I got one and Jay got 3, and he also got a bass.
We have really enjoyed this resort. Nice cabin and area.  The lake took a while to figure out, but it worked better today.
Jay got to clean fish again, he knows the fish house quite well.
We went out for supper tonight, went to Patrick's. Couldn't eat it all, will have supper when we get home on Friday. We have everything packed up, not much left for in the morning.It's been a real
nice vacation.  Back to reality tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, Sept. 16th.
We went fishing at Lake Wini again, had good luck today also. We got our limit each of perch.
we came back to the cabin in the afternoon, Jay got to clean fish again. I am sure he is glad we are done fishing perch. Now he wants to  try crappies and northern.
We had fish for supper tonight, it tasted sooo good.
The weather has been just beautiful, 70' today, suppose to be nice tomorrow also.
Will keep you posted.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, Sept. 15th.
We went to Lake Wini today and fished for perch, boy did we find the perch. We caught our limit each and threw back a lot.
It was fun catching them, but I don't think Jay thought it was that much fun cleaning them. Being I am not one of the boys, I don't clean fish.  I did wash and package them though. They will sure taste great this winter.  The weather was just perfect  today, couldn't of been much better.
We started out counting how many fish we each were catching, but today we gave that up and just
kept fishing and catching our limit.
Will  keep you posted. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Today is Sunday, is was pretty out this morning, so we went out on the boat and tried our hand at fishing, NO luck!!!  I caught a few VERY little perch, threw them back. Jay caught one perch, same size. We got cold as the clouds moved in and the wind picked up. We came back to the cabin and had lunch and got warmed up. After lunch we decided that we would take a ride to Walker.  We checked out the Casino there, I actually won $12.  We decided to eat our supper there at the buffet. It was real good.
Wanted to let everyone know that we don't have cell service at the cabin. We can get e-mails though.
We did have cell service in Walker, so I called Bryan back, he had left a message.
We hope to have better luck tomorrow fishing, thought we would try out Lake Wini.
Will keep you posted.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Little Boy Lake stay

Good morning to everyone:
       We made it to our cabin at Little Boy Lake.  What a beautiful place, the views are really great.
It was pretty cold, only 45-50' on Friday the whole way up here.  This morning it is 30', frost on everything. The loons were out on the water this morning, and the fog was moving, it was really pretty.
We are getting ready to go out fishing this morning, Jay is getting the fishing poles ready while I do some blogging.
We were told by the neighbors that there is fish, so we hope to get some this morning. We have internet service, and cable TV, but the phone service is no bars at the cabin, haven't walked around enough to see if there is any other places.
Will try to keep you informed about our stay. love to all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Winter, would you please leave!!!!!!

I think this is the worst winter yet, we have had so much snow, cold,cold weather, so much wind, and now the drain has frozen. Our basement drain from the washer froze. Lucky, Jay is quite inventive, he has a barrel rigged up to take our washer water and drain it out the window and into the grove. We can only hope the septic tank doesn't freeze, our water is recording at 38-39'. So cold it hurts my teeth. Today it was 19' and you would think it was 35', it felt so good for a change. The only thing about it warming up is now the frost will go deeper, and freeze more things.
I pray every day that winter will leave, please dear Lord, hear our pray.
This week-end is the start of daylight savings time, at least we will have more day light.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

      HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't believe it is 2014. I don't know where 2013 went. We have had some pretty cold weather
lately. It has been a long time since we have had weather like this. It has only been above 32'
2 days in the last 2 weeks. And now it is suppose to get -20 real temp tonight. Only suppose to get to
-10 next Monday and Tuesday. I got groceries so we are set for the duration.
We had out annual Christmas Eve get together with the cousins. It was real nice, had our soup supper
 and just set around the table and visited. Jay and I have been having this for 33 years already.  Before that we always went into Grandma Weinbergs in Clarksville and before that we went to the farm(where Scott lives) after Christmas Eve at church. We have had this tradition for a long time.
I enjoy doing it and will continue as long as I can.
 We had our family Christmas on Dec. 29th. It was so nice having everyone here(except out oldest
granddaughter was in Japan) but she did call that evening. That was nice. We had such a nice day, had fun and enjoyed the girls and families staying over night also.
Now I need to start taking down Christmas things and putting them away. Not as much fun doing that.
Hope everyone has a great 2014 year.