Friday, July 3, 2009

Good morning everyone!!!
We ended up at Motel 8 last night after trying several campgrounds and everything was full or they weren't very good campsites. So here we are in Kelso, Washington. We are heading to Mark& Michelle's this morning, should get to their place shortly after lunch. We talked to Mark yesterday. Our travels have taken us from I-80 across the desert into Calif. then we got on Hwy
20, traveled that till we got to Hwy 101, which is the coastal drive,then got on Hwy 30, took that to I-5, which is what we will take to Mark's. In Legget, Calif. it was 95' and about an hour later up the coast it was only 65', what a difference, and so nice. It actually got down to 50' someplaces. We can't believe how many different terrains we have seen. This is quite a USA. We will be staying at Mark's till Sunday morning, then we will head north to Prince Rupert and get on our ferry. Will keep you up to date, we sometimes have trouble finding WiFi, but we keep looking. Everyone have a great 4th of July and stay safe. Love you all. Mom & Dad

1 comment:

  1. Happy Fourth of July! What a great celebration of our freedom and you get to travel across the great U.S.A!
