Thursday, July 30, 2009

Home Sweet Home (The Last Leg)

This guy knows how to fish. What diversity 7 days of travel can bring. This picture was take in Hyder Alaska from a viewing platform. The bears were content to go about their business of making a living the natural way.
This is the first Mt. Scene at the entrance to Canadas' Jasper National Park. It is the highest point in the Canadian Rockies.
When we left the park we traveled through Calgary south to the Montana border. Agriculture was present all the way home. A few Oil Fields were present in Montana and western North Dakota. Lots of Canola, Wheat and Livestock. The river valleys have recieved ample rain this year where Hay and Pastures are so important to there economy.

And this is the scene from south of the machine shed at home. The corn was barely thigh hi when we left on the 25th of June. I am hear to tell you the good ole Iowa landscape looks pretty plush compared to a lot of the country where water is so scarce.
Thanks for following our blog. We enjoyed every moment, met a lot of folks along the way, it was a great trip and we are happy to be home.
A special thanks again to B&C; M,M&C and S&K, You guys made our vacation of a lifetime very special.


  1. Thanks for doing this blog. It's been fun coming along on your adventure. It's always nice going on a trip...exciting to experience new adventures...but...the most comforting feeling is pulling back into the home driveway...and we all know there is nothing better in life then calling home Iowa farm life! Welcome Home!!! B&B Mehmen's

  2. Welcome Back to Iowa. Just talked to mom on the phone and told her I'd give you guys a call. Your line was busy (not surprised since you just got back/lots to do too). We're so happy you had a wonderful vacation and made it back safely. Thank you for sharing your pictures with us along the way. We miss you both. Our house is open to you and everyone in your family any time. xoxox Cindy and Burtch

  3. At the risk of stealing Ty Pennington's phrase from Extreme Makeover, home edition....."Welcome home Mom and Dad, Welcome home". Can't wait to hear all the stories and see the extended version of photos and video and possibly savor a little taste of fresh salmon. R,PJ&J

  4. Great blog! What a fun trip! We are going to Acadia National Park in Maine over labor day weekend. Alaska is still on my list of trips to do as well! Glad you guys got to go! Hope all is well. We have a busy month, I think dad is coming to see us the last weekend. Now it's time to plan your next trip! : )
