Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kids---- we cleaned out some old canceled checks

Just thought I would inform all you kids, Dad and I hauled out the barrel that had many,many,many years of canceled checks, they are burning right now!!!! A good Hot fire.
We were going to keep them for you all to go through some day, but decided you probably really didn't want to do that anyway. I guess I have to be in the right mood to do those things, Dad has been after me for several years to do it. So that is one things less that you will have to clean out someday.
I got under the basement stairs cleaned out, it really looks much better.
Now I need to do some closets. Sort, label and pitch.
Looking forward to this week-end seeing some of you all.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I feel spring is here!!!

I feel spring is here, the snow is melting, my tulips and iris's are coming up. But there seems to be a couple junco's still hanging around, I told them to fly off, winter is over, but they don't seem to listen. They are winter birds, so I will keep telling them to fly away.
Dad has been changing oil and filters on all the equipment and vehicles that we have, I think he counted 16 that he has done. He came in today and said he was finally done.
So he decided it was nice enough, he was going golfing. So I'd say spring is here.
Looking forward to the fish fry this week-end, always fun getting together with that group.
Also looking forward to having some family home for the week-end also.
Keep thinking SPRING!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Noticed we haven't posted anything on our blog for quite a while, actually I had forgot how to do it, but now have it figured out again. Like the saying goes, got to keep doing things so one doesn't forget.
We got some more snow yesterday again, I am really getting tired of snow, ready for spring!!!!
Sounds like the weather will be better this week-end.
Ready to get out side and just breathe in the fresh air.
We are going to the Sports Show on Friday, just to get out and walk, like to look at the different displays, then get some shopping done, and of course eat out. With the gas prices, don't seem to go quite as easy.
Dad is busy getting all the oil changes done for spring. He says it keeps him busy.
Did get him to help me move furniture in the livingroom last week, already for card party coming up. He so enjoys that!!!!!!!! Not!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will try to keep up better on the blog. Hope everyone is ready for spring and keep thinking Bring on Spring.!!!!!!!!