Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good bye 2011, Welcome 2012

I can't believe the year 2011 is almost over! It has been a pretty good year. Lots of memories and great times.
We have enjoyed many times with our kids and grandkids, hope to do as much and more next year.
We have to be thankful for the blessings we have, our family, health and friends.
Here's wishing everyone a Blessed New Year, 2012!!!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Hope everyone had a blessed Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We sure did, had some of our family with us, but everyone was with us in our hearts.
Daughter, Paula and I uauslly get up very earlier and go shopping the day after Thanksgiving, but this year the stores had early release of things at 10 pm, Thanksgiving Day night, so we thought why not, then we could sleep in in the morning. Got to the store at 8 pm, everything was really nice, Paula went to her line and I stood in my line, and was the only one for a little over an hour, then people started coming in and standing beside me, when it was 9:45, there were so many people you couldn't believe it, it was many deep behind me, when they cut the plastic, the people went CRAZY, I was pushed and shoved, couldn't get when I was after, finally after getting a LITTLE mad, a lady helped me, then her husband had to help us both get away from the line, couldn't believe it, I will never do that again. Paula and I have always had great luck in the mornings, never pushing and shoving, but this was certainly a different crowd. Too bad, but it isn't worth getting trampled!!!!!
Next year we will do something different.
Good luck to everyone with your shopping, thank goodness there are other days.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween, glad we don't live out east with all the snow they got!

Can't believe that October is over, today is the last day of my UMR Insurance, I will offically be on Medicare starting tomorrow. I always thought when your were 65, that was old, but I sure don't feel like that. I remember when my Grandparents and parents turned 65, wow, that was really old!!! But how our thoughts change when we are selves turn that.
The weather has been pretty nice, hope we have a mild winter, but most likely it will be what it will be. Nothing we can do about that.
Enjoy the autumn days and remember next week we turn our clocks back an hour, get that extra sleep in, ha, ha.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Can't believe the summer is about done!!!

Jay and I went to Decorah camping this past week. The weather forecast stated it was going to be a nice week! Well, like most weather forecasts, they were wrong again!!!! The front that was suppose to move through, didn't, we had about 2 hours of sun shine on Tuesday when we got there, so we took a nice bike ride. About 30 minutes after we got back from the bike ride, it clouded up and rained off and on. On Wednesday, it rained off and on all day, we went to Praire du Chein, the drive was really pretty, the colors are showing up pretty nice right now. Jay did got fishing in the afternoon, got his limit and got soaked good. On Thursday it was so windy, the leaves and walnuts really came down. We were surprised that the campers kept coming into the campground and sitting up. When we left Friday morning, there weren't many spots left open.
When we got home, we decided to winterize the camper and put it away. Got several things going on this month, so I guess our camping days are done for this year. We sure did enjoy our new camper though, can't wait till next year to start again.
Enjoy the beautiful colors of fall, sounds like this week is going to be great. We should have a nice week to spend with Jolyn and John, Jackie and Gwen, can't wait to see them all.
Enjoy the good weather everyone.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Camping at the farm

Well, the good man up above was really watching out for us this past week-end. We had beautiful weather for our camp out at the farm. Watching all the little grandkids doing so many things was so much fun. Brought back a lot of memories of our "little ones" when they were young and doing so many things. I am so glad that we had the opportunity to raise our children on the farm, there were times when I thought not, but now when I look back, that was the best place for us. I can't see myself living in town, I guess I am a country girl at heart!!
It is ironic that all of our children live in towns or cities except one, but they all seem to love coming home to the farm. Now that we can relax and enjoy the beauty of it all, it is so peaceful and brings contentment to Dad and I.
The best part is when the kids and grandkids come home and enjoy it with us.
I think everyone, at least I hope everyone had a great time this past week-end. There is always so much to do, and not enough time to do it in.
I thank God every day for our family and their families. We are truely blessed with a wonderful and loving family.
Just remember kids, we always have room in the Mehmen Inn for you anytime you want to just get away.
Love to you all.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer vacations

This summer we decided we would just go to campgrounds near where the kids live and do some camping, then they could come out and spend some time with us.
We just got back from Des Moines, camping at Acorn Valley Campground. It is such a nice place.
Jana, Connor, and Olivia came out on Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon and spent some time with us. We grilled supper, made s'mores and the kids just had fun playing around the campsite. We sure enjoyed having them out, wish Paul could of come, but he had to work. We understand that.
We met a lady that is a fulltime camper, camps in the north during the summer, and the south during winter. Just she and her dog. She was so interesting, we had a nice visit with her.
We also saw so many different birds at this campground also, we really enjoy seeing them.
Thanks Jana, Connor and Olivia for coming out to the campground and spending some time with us. Now we will have to get the next place decided on.
Of course we are really looking forward to having the Farm Camp Out in July. See you all then.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Good ole summer time!!!

Well, I guess we wanted summer, but did it have to come from winter to summer, where was spring? I have to say, you can almost see the corn growing, that is great.
I can't believe how fast time goes, on the First of June, my parents would have been married 65 years, and we will so be married 46 years. Wish I could just sort of slow time down a little.
We lost a good ole neightbor and dear friend this last week, Jerry Townsend, and I can't help thinking back to when we were neighbors and my child hood days.
Last night I got such a surprise, my brother, David called, haven't talked to him in ages, was so nice to hear from him. He is upgrading, got a Cell phone, that is pretty good for him.
Gave me his number, so now I can get ahold of him better.
Dad is doing his golfing week, this week, certainly is hot enough, but he is handling it pretty good, lots of water and sunscreen. Takes it easy when he gets home. He really enjoys doing this activity.
I am doing things outside in the morning, then staying in during the heat of the day. But do have a luncheon scheduled for tomorrow with a friend. Always enjoy that.
Here's to a great summer!! Enjoy everyone!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Can you believe the Month of April is over and May is half over already. Time sure does fly.
We have been pretty busy traveling all over, been to Des Moines several times, went to two 1st. communions in one day, went to our granddaughter's graduation from NIACC. We've visited with my cousins from Alaska and Colorado. Spent a fews days camping in our new camper, worked really nice!!!
We have been to Kansas City to visit our daugther and family for a few days. The rest of the month seems pretty busy also, looking forward to our daughter and family from Des Moines to come for the week-end, will certainly enjoy those grandchildren.
Then we have camping on the agenda for Memorial week-end. Next thing you know it will be June and that looks just about as busy.
Guess we are just thankful we can do all these things and enjoy every minute of them.
Here's to a busy but blessed summer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Time for change

Wow look at all of that room!! With extra time on my hands the last few days and my golf clubs in the trunk of the Toyota, in Des Moines. I think Sharon threw them in just before she left. Any hows this gave me time to do a project that has been on the back burner for awhile. I remodeled the barn and cleared it out for the new arrival. You know how it is when we shop, our eyes are bigger than the accomadations. By cutting out the NW corner of the loft I was able to pickup another 7' of storage on the north side of the barn.

And now it's time to say farwell to an old friend. It takes with it some fond and not so fond memories. The wonderful times with grand children will always be on top of the fond.

The not so fond, you will have to ask John and Jolyn what it is like to ride out a storm, Or not!

Or ask Brooke how it attracts storms to the Clear Lake area.

Well the bad news is she is going down the road in the morning for the last time. The good news is she is being replaced with a much larger model with a super slideout. The floorplan is on the Puma travel trailer website. It is a model 26-RLSS, Puma by Palomino. The first little popup camper we owned was a Palomino. As you can tell we are excited to make a few new memories.

Oh by the way thanks Kids for sharing your future inheritance with us once again.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

week-end in Colorado

We just got back last night from a few days in Colorado, what a neat trip. Paula and Jeremey asked us to go with them, Jeremey toured the Air Force Academy, what nice experience. We were so pleased to be able to go with them, enjoyed the trip, tour and just seeing the snow capped Rockies, what a beautiful sight it was. We also enjoyed seeing Sand Hill Cranes in Nebraska and also Pelicans. They are on their way back up north. Thank you so much Paula and Jeremey for asking us to go with you. We can cross off another intesting visit at a place we have never been. Got back to some pretty nice weather at home, maybe even a little too warm for this time of the year. Hope it doesn't storm!!! Austin and I planted some garden today, it might grow or it might not, but it was worth trying. Just ready to have some fresh home veggies.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kids---- we cleaned out some old canceled checks

Just thought I would inform all you kids, Dad and I hauled out the barrel that had many,many,many years of canceled checks, they are burning right now!!!! A good Hot fire.
We were going to keep them for you all to go through some day, but decided you probably really didn't want to do that anyway. I guess I have to be in the right mood to do those things, Dad has been after me for several years to do it. So that is one things less that you will have to clean out someday.
I got under the basement stairs cleaned out, it really looks much better.
Now I need to do some closets. Sort, label and pitch.
Looking forward to this week-end seeing some of you all.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I feel spring is here!!!

I feel spring is here, the snow is melting, my tulips and iris's are coming up. But there seems to be a couple junco's still hanging around, I told them to fly off, winter is over, but they don't seem to listen. They are winter birds, so I will keep telling them to fly away.
Dad has been changing oil and filters on all the equipment and vehicles that we have, I think he counted 16 that he has done. He came in today and said he was finally done.
So he decided it was nice enough, he was going golfing. So I'd say spring is here.
Looking forward to the fish fry this week-end, always fun getting together with that group.
Also looking forward to having some family home for the week-end also.
Keep thinking SPRING!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Noticed we haven't posted anything on our blog for quite a while, actually I had forgot how to do it, but now have it figured out again. Like the saying goes, got to keep doing things so one doesn't forget.
We got some more snow yesterday again, I am really getting tired of snow, ready for spring!!!!
Sounds like the weather will be better this week-end.
Ready to get out side and just breathe in the fresh air.
We are going to the Sports Show on Friday, just to get out and walk, like to look at the different displays, then get some shopping done, and of course eat out. With the gas prices, don't seem to go quite as easy.
Dad is busy getting all the oil changes done for spring. He says it keeps him busy.
Did get him to help me move furniture in the livingroom last week, already for card party coming up. He so enjoys that!!!!!!!! Not!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will try to keep up better on the blog. Hope everyone is ready for spring and keep thinking Bring on Spring.!!!!!!!!